eLua Execution Speed on Target

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Markus Korber Markus Korber
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eLua Execution Speed on Target

Hi all,

regarding execution speed on the target (LPC2478, 72MHz) I've got a
question: Toggling a pin[1] on the target takes

   - ~12ms using two RPC calls from the PC
   - ~280µs using one RPC call of a 'transferred' toggling function
   - ~280µs using cross-compiled Lua code on the target (This
     corresponds to ~20000 target instructions.)

Are these values reasonable or can they be somehow improved?  

It seems that each 'peripheral call' (pio, tmr, etc.) has an inherent
delay of 50-100µs on the target, e.g. adding a tmr.delay(0,0) call[2]
before setting the pin low adds another ~70µs before the pin is reset.

,----[ 1 ]
| function toggle_flag()
|    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
|    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
| end

,----[ 2 ]
| function toggle_flag()
|    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
|    tmr.delay(0, 0)
|    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
| end

Markus Korber

eLua-dev mailing list
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BogdanM BogdanM
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Markus Korber <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

regarding execution speed on the target (LPC2478, 72MHz) I've got a
question: Toggling a pin[1] on the target takes

  - ~12ms using two RPC calls from the PC
  - ~280µs using one RPC call of a 'transferred' toggling function
  - ~280µs using cross-compiled Lua code on the target (This
    corresponds to ~20000 target instructions.)

Are these values reasonable or can they be somehow improved?

It seems that each 'peripheral call' (pio, tmr, etc.) has an inherent
delay of 50-100µs on the target, e.g. adding a tmr.delay(0,0) call[2]
before setting the pin low adds another ~70µs before the pin is reset.

,----[ 1 ]
| function toggle_flag()
|    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
|    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
| end

,----[ 2 ]
| function toggle_flag()
|    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
|    tmr.delay(0, 0)
|    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
| end

There are some things that can be done in this area:

1. currently, eLua is compiled for space optimizations only (-Os). Switching to speed optimizations will probably improve things.
2. functions like getpin/setpin can be made smaller to get more speed.

That said, don't expect significant performance improvements. You'd need a JIT for that.


Markus Korber

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Martin Guy Martin Guy
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target

In reply to this post by Markus Korber
On 15 December 2011 08:22, Markus Korber <[hidden email]> wrote:

> regarding execution speed on the target (LPC2478, 72MHz) I've got a
> question: Toggling a pin[1] on the target takes
>   - ~12ms using two RPC calls from the PC
>   - ~280µs using one RPC call of a 'transferred' toggling function
>   - ~280µs using cross-compiled Lua code on the target (This
>     corresponds to ~20000 target instructions.)
> Are these values reasonable or can they be somehow improved?
> It seems that each 'peripheral call' (pio, tmr, etc.) has an inherent
> delay of 50-100µs on the target, e.g. adding a tmr.delay(0,0) call[2]
> before setting the pin low adds another ~70µs before the pin is reset.
> ,----[ 1 ]
> | function toggle_flag()
> |    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
> |    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
> | end
> `----
> ,----[ 2 ]
> | function toggle_flag()
> |    pio.pin.sethigh(pio.P3_31)
> |    tmr.delay(0, 0)
> |    pio.pin.setlow(pio.P3_31)
> | end
> `----

  You can speed your Lua code by the usual tricks, for example,
putting things in locals:

local sethigh = pio.pin.sethigh
local setlow = pio.pin.setlow
local pin = pio.P3_31
function toggle_flag()

since global table lookups are much slower than locals, which live in
virtual machine registers.

You're doubly stung in this case by the API: pio.pin.sethigh() takes
two table lookups, whereas the original interface, pio.sethigh(), only
needed one. Then there is the pio.P3_31 table lookup every time round
the loop, whereas a the more Lua-like use of strings as parameters,
e.g. pio.sethigh("P3_31") is faster since strings with the same
contents are commoned in the interpreter, so comparison between
constant strings is just a pointer comparison at runtime. In this
case, "P3_31", the string would be constant and its contents processed
with a tiny piece of C at runtime in a few cycles - still much faster
than a table lookup

But to implement this you would need to fork eLua.

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Markus Korber Markus Korber
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target

In reply to this post by BogdanM
Thus spake Bogdan Marinescu:

> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Markus Korber <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> regarding execution speed on the target (LPC2478, 72MHz) I've got a
>> question: Toggling a pin[1] on the target takes
>>   [Timing measurments]
>> Are these values reasonable or can they be somehow improved?
> There are some things that can be done in this area:
> 1. currently, eLua is compiled for space optimizations only (-Os).
> Switching to speed optimizations will probably improve things.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm compiling with -O2 already.

> 2. functions like getpin/setpin can be made smaller to get more speed.

Do you mean the platform code in platform_pio_op()?

> That said, don't expect significant performance improvements. You'd need a
> JIT for that.

Ok, thanks for your hints.

Markus Korber
eLua-dev mailing list
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Markus Korber Markus Korber
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target

In reply to this post by Martin Guy
Thus spake Martin Guy:

> On 15 December 2011 08:22, Markus Korber <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> regarding execution speed on the target (LPC2478, 72MHz) I've got a
>> question: Toggling a pin[1] on the target takes
>> [Timing measrements]
>> Are these values reasonable or can they be somehow improved?
>   You can speed your Lua code by the usual tricks, for example,
> putting things in locals:
> local sethigh = pio.pin.sethigh
> local setlow = pio.pin.setlow
> local pin = pio.P3_31
> function toggle_flag()
>    sethigh(pin)
>    setlow(pin)
> end
> since global table lookups are much slower than locals, which live in
> virtual machine registers.

Interesting.  That improved the toggling time to below 20µs (factor
15!).  I guess I can live with that.  Thanks.

> [Enlightning explanation snipped]

Thanks for your help.

Markus Korber
eLua-dev mailing list
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agostain agostain
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target

Hi guys,

I want to run some execution time tests on my code. How can I get the most accurate measurements?

thanks for your help ;-)
Martin Guy Martin Guy
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Re: eLua Execution Speed on Target

On 12 June 2012 00:08, agostain <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I want to run some execution time tests on my code. How can I get the most
> accurate measurements?

I use the tmr module, accelerating the setup/teardown with locals,
something like:

-- speed test for uart writes: see how long sending a 1000 characters takes.

  local p = io.write
  local r = tmr.read
  local gdn = tmr.getdiffnow
  local s = r()
  for i=1,1000 do p("U") end
  p(gdn(nil, s))

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