Revelation & Collaboration

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Patrick-11 Patrick-11
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Revelation & Collaboration

Hi Everyone

The other day I had an eLua revelation. I am about two years away from
being able to write quality production level C code and about one year
away from quality Lua code as well.

There are so many non-native English speakers here that could
linguistically kick my ass, that I don't think my writing skills are a
great asset either.

As you have probably already realized I am still at a day-dreaming(AKA
crack smoking) level when it comes to coding ideas. I dream something up
but it never ends up finished.

However about 10 years ago I passed the crack smoking stage with
scientific instrumentation ideas and after 5 years I now have a proven
business. I can take ideas from start to finish and they generate revenue.

So to the point, I think that the only real asset I bring here is end
use cases.

Money-talk is highly frowned upon, for good reason, on other lists but
here we have a hardware element and with it real world costs and real
world processes. Is it alright if I post eLua related, hardware oriented
quote requests and people could respond off-list?

To give a partial example, let's say I need some device to do
such-and-such and someone mentions that this can only be done with
such-and-such microcontroller, I could pay for someone to port it and
maybe create Gerber file for a small design too. I could have it
fabricated in Canada and I/we could share the port and the use case with
the project.


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Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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Re: Revelation & Collaboration


On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 14:18, Patrick Mc(avery <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Everyone

The other day I had an eLua revelation. I am about two years away from being able to write quality production level C code and about one year away from quality Lua code as well.

There are so many non-native English speakers here that could linguistically kick my ass, that I don't think my writing skills are a great asset either.

As you have probably already realized I am still at a day-dreaming(AKA crack smoking) level when it comes to coding ideas. I dream something up but it never ends up finished.

However about 10 years ago I passed the crack smoking stage with scientific instrumentation ideas and after 5 years I now have a proven business. I can take ideas from start to finish and they generate revenue.

So to the point, I think that the only real asset I bring here is end use cases.

Money-talk is highly frowned upon, for good reason, on other lists but here we have a hardware element and with it real world costs and real world processes. Is it alright if I post eLua related, hardware oriented quote requests and people could respond off-list?

I'm not sure if I understand it precisely but I think you can post any eLua-related subject here, specially if it can be interesting to a large number of users.

To give a partial example, let's say I need some device to do such-and-such and someone mentions that this can only be done with such-and-such microcontroller, I could pay for someone to port it and maybe create Gerber file for a small design too. I could have it fabricated in Canada and I/we could share the port and the use case with the project.

This can surely be interesting to some and I don't see any problem in sharing your ideas or proposing commercial initiatives here on the list too.

eLua is not and will not be a commercial product in itself.
But we strive to create a rich, stable and powerful development framework, so that it can generate many different types of business. If you have ideas and opportunities to propose to the community, I don't see any problem of sharing these here on the list.



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jbsnyder jbsnyder
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Re: Revelation & Collaboration

In reply to this post by Patrick-11
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Patrick Mc(avery
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> The other day I had an eLua revelation. I am about two years away from being
> able to write quality production level C code and about one year away from
> quality Lua code as well.
> There are so many non-native English speakers here that could linguistically
> kick my ass, that I don't think my writing skills are a great asset either.
> As you have probably already realized I am still at a day-dreaming(AKA crack
> smoking) level when it comes to coding ideas. I dream something up but it
> never ends up finished.

Please don't worry about suggesting ideas that might get shot down :-)
 I think there's something in the vein of what you were suggesting
that would probably work quite well.  It just happens that there are
at least a few people here on the list that have spent more than a few
hours digging through the guts of Lua, and therefore some of us can
tell pretty quickly whether an exact approach might work well or not
(not necessarily me, depending on what aspect of Lua we're talking
about). With Lua, as with anything else that has a fair degree of
complexity, one has to learn some of the ins and outs and design
compromises that were made in order to get the most out of it and to
know how it can be bent and molded.

At least personally, I like playing around with ideas, especially ones
that I haven't thought of, even if they don't end up working out.  If
you want to propose things to the list feel free. If its too crazy
we'll let you know :-)  Also, of note, playing around with ideas like
this give some of us (me for example), a reason to check on
implementation details of things I wouldn't otherwise recall so it's
not all one sided either.

> However about 10 years ago I passed the crack smoking stage with scientific
> instrumentation ideas and after 5 years I now have a proven business. I can
> take ideas from start to finish and they generate revenue.
> So to the point, I think that the only real asset I bring here is end use
> cases.
> Money-talk is highly frowned upon, for good reason, on other lists but here
> we have a hardware element and with it real world costs and real world
> processes. Is it alright if I post eLua related, hardware oriented quote
> requests and people could respond off-list?

The project is open and non-commercial, but also generally
non-religious and non-political.. we are using an MIT license after
all :-)  Financial incentives sometimes cause conflicts in open source
projects, but what you're suggesting sounds fine for now.  If some of
the work can come back to the project that would be great as well.

> To give a partial example, let's say I need some device to do such-and-such
> and someone mentions that this can only be done with such-and-such
> microcontroller, I could pay for someone to port it and maybe create Gerber
> file for a small design too. I could have it fabricated in Canada and I/we
> could share the port and the use case with the project.
> Thanks-Patrick
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James Snyder
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