Quick Notes on LuaRPC

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jbsnyder jbsnyder
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Quick Notes on LuaRPC

I've put a version of LuaRPC into the trunk in order to get a version  
of this into the mainstream eLua.  It has been tested on STM32, and  
seems to be working reasonably well there for both floating point and  
integer-only targets, though I'm pretty sure there are ways to cause  
it to blow up if one tries :-)

At the moment it is set up to simply take over the serial console UART  
and read/write over that link.  This means among other things that  
printing things out to the console will not make the RPC code very  
happy.  Some sort of work-around should probably be issued to either  
encapsulate console printed stuff to be forwarded or muted.

To fire it up on STM32, burn the image, start lua on the target and  
then issue the command:

At this point any further characters sent will be going to the rpc  
handler (as long as it lives).

A desktop-side Lua REPL can be compiled using:
scons -f remote-lua.py

This will result in a lua file in your eLua root.  It should mostly  
behave like a standard lua interpreter, except that it has an rpc  
table registered that allows for interacting with a LuaRPC server.  
Currently the code for this uses POSIX serial port setup, but it  
should be very easy to use other link types see (luarpc_posix_serial.c  
and luarpc_elua_uart.c).

To test out a connection to a target running an RPC server start with  
the example at test/test-rpc.lua

This shows a few simple ways in which you can interact with a server  

Some other caveats include that currently, ARM7TDMI float ordering  
isn't handled yet, but general big endian vs little endian should work  
(I'd certainly appreciate bug reports if it doesn't work :-)  I have  
some thoughts on how to test for ARM7TDMI floating point, but  
suggestions are welcome as far as how one could do so with a minimum  
exchange of bytes.

slave,err = rpc.connect ("/path/to/serial/port")

print("CPU Clock: " .. slave.cpu.clock()/1000000 .. " MHz")

slave.foo = {1, 2, 3, 4, "234"} -- newindex assignments work for most  
lua types including string.dump-able functions
local_foo = slave.foo:get() -- a get method allows one to copy remote  
values (including functions) to the local machine
for i,v in pairs(local_foo) do print(i,v) end -- roll through and  
print the now local copy of the table

-- index events that don't have the :get() method attached return a  
handle, so you can use these to reference remote methods locally, or  
for lazy evaluation
adc = slave.adc

adc.setclock(0, 64 ,2)

for i=1,128 do
        retsamp = adc.getsample(0)
        if not (retsamp == nil) then

-- the above behaves much like having local adc :-)


James Snyder
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
[hidden email]
ph: 847.448.0386
Elua-dev mailing list
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Bittencourt Bittencourt
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Re: Quick Notes on LuaRPC

Nice! =)

I'll try it tonight!

--Pedro Bittencourt

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 9:50 PM, James Snyder <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've put a version of LuaRPC into the trunk in order to get a version
of this into the mainstream eLua.  It has been tested on STM32, and
seems to be working reasonably well there for both floating point and
integer-only targets, though I'm pretty sure there are ways to cause
it to blow up if one tries :-)

At the moment it is set up to simply take over the serial console UART
and read/write over that link.  This means among other things that
printing things out to the console will not make the RPC code very
happy.  Some sort of work-around should probably be issued to either
encapsulate console printed stuff to be forwarded or muted.

To fire it up on STM32, burn the image, start lua on the target and
then issue the command:

At this point any further characters sent will be going to the rpc
handler (as long as it lives).

A desktop-side Lua REPL can be compiled using:
scons -f remote-lua.py

This will result in a lua file in your eLua root.  It should mostly
behave like a standard lua interpreter, except that it has an rpc
table registered that allows for interacting with a LuaRPC server.
Currently the code for this uses POSIX serial port setup, but it
should be very easy to use other link types see (luarpc_posix_serial.c
and luarpc_elua_uart.c).

To test out a connection to a target running an RPC server start with
the example at test/test-rpc.lua

This shows a few simple ways in which you can interact with a server

Some other caveats include that currently, ARM7TDMI float ordering
isn't handled yet, but general big endian vs little endian should work
(I'd certainly appreciate bug reports if it doesn't work :-)  I have
some thoughts on how to test for ARM7TDMI floating point, but
suggestions are welcome as far as how one could do so with a minimum
exchange of bytes.

slave,err = rpc.connect ("/path/to/serial/port")

print("CPU Clock: " .. slave.cpu.clock()/1000000 .. " MHz")

slave.foo = {1, 2, 3, 4, "234"} -- newindex assignments work for most
lua types including string.dump-able functions
local_foo = slave.foo:get() -- a get method allows one to copy remote
values (including functions) to the local machine
for i,v in pairs(local_foo) do print(i,v) end -- roll through and
print the now local copy of the table

-- index events that don't have the :get() method attached return a
handle, so you can use these to reference remote methods locally, or
for lazy evaluation
adc = slave.adc

adc.setclock(0, 64 ,2)

for i=1,128 do
       retsamp = adc.getsample(0)
       if not (retsamp == nil) then

-- the above behaves much like having local adc :-)


James Snyder
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
[hidden email]
ph: 847.448.0386
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BogdanM BogdanM
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Re: Quick Notes on LuaRPC

In reply to this post by jbsnyder
Thanks, James, excellent work! Can't wait to get my hands on this (hopefully in the near future) :)


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:50 AM, James Snyder <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've put a version of LuaRPC into the trunk in order to get a version
of this into the mainstream eLua.  It has been tested on STM32, and
seems to be working reasonably well there for both floating point and
integer-only targets, though I'm pretty sure there are ways to cause
it to blow up if one tries :-)

At the moment it is set up to simply take over the serial console UART
and read/write over that link.  This means among other things that
printing things out to the console will not make the RPC code very
happy.  Some sort of work-around should probably be issued to either
encapsulate console printed stuff to be forwarded or muted.

To fire it up on STM32, burn the image, start lua on the target and
then issue the command:

At this point any further characters sent will be going to the rpc
handler (as long as it lives).

A desktop-side Lua REPL can be compiled using:
scons -f remote-lua.py

This will result in a lua file in your eLua root.  It should mostly
behave like a standard lua interpreter, except that it has an rpc
table registered that allows for interacting with a LuaRPC server.
Currently the code for this uses POSIX serial port setup, but it
should be very easy to use other link types see (luarpc_posix_serial.c
and luarpc_elua_uart.c).

To test out a connection to a target running an RPC server start with
the example at test/test-rpc.lua

This shows a few simple ways in which you can interact with a server

Some other caveats include that currently, ARM7TDMI float ordering
isn't handled yet, but general big endian vs little endian should work
(I'd certainly appreciate bug reports if it doesn't work :-)  I have
some thoughts on how to test for ARM7TDMI floating point, but
suggestions are welcome as far as how one could do so with a minimum
exchange of bytes.

slave,err = rpc.connect ("/path/to/serial/port")

print("CPU Clock: " .. slave.cpu.clock()/1000000 .. " MHz")

slave.foo = {1, 2, 3, 4, "234"} -- newindex assignments work for most
lua types including string.dump-able functions
local_foo = slave.foo:get() -- a get method allows one to copy remote
values (including functions) to the local machine
for i,v in pairs(local_foo) do print(i,v) end -- roll through and
print the now local copy of the table

-- index events that don't have the :get() method attached return a
handle, so you can use these to reference remote methods locally, or
for lazy evaluation
adc = slave.adc

adc.setclock(0, 64 ,2)

for i=1,128 do
       retsamp = adc.getsample(0)
       if not (retsamp == nil) then

-- the above behaves much like having local adc :-)


James Snyder
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
[hidden email]
ph: 847.448.0386
Elua-dev mailing list
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