uIP speed

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Martin Guy Martin Guy
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uIP speed

   I'm seeing some strange slowdown effect while trying to measure th
network speed of TCP transfers on AVR32 eLua.  The Lua program listens
to a port, accepts a connection and then just read data and discards
it as fast as it can.  On a PC, then I send it data with
    cat /dev/zero | netcap 1234

The results are that every packet takes twice as long to receive as
the one before in a logarithmically increasing sequence. The Lua
program's output is:

Received 485 bytes in 3 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 6 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 12 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 24 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 48 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 96 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 120 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 120 seconds
Received 485 bytes in 120 seconds

and the times do correspond to these reports. Changing packet size,
even down to 1, makes no difference,

I have only been able to test this on Mizar32 and EVK1100 here, both
AVR32 platforms so am wondering whether this is normal when
stress-testing eLua-uIP, whether I'm using the net module wrongly or
whether I should be looking for an AVR32 platform-specific issue.

If someone could try this speed test on another platform and let me
know the results I'd be grateful.
The Lua network speed test program is attached



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netdump.lua (906 bytes) Download Attachment