stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

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Pito Pito
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stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

Hi, when I try to upload a file (ie. life2.lua) and write to sdcard
via xmodem, it says after the upload "disc full..". Sdcard is 4gb,
fat32 formatted. Reading the card is possible, as well as running a
lua-sources out of it.

eLua# recv /mmc/life2.lua
Waiting for file ... CCdone, got 3360 bytes
disk full, unable to save file /mmc/life2.lua
eLua# ls

adcpollt2.lua                  1648 bytes
life.lua                       3362 bytes
adcscope.lua                   2269 bytes
adcpollt1.lua                  1808 bytes
led.lua                        1559 bytes
pwmled.lua                     1057 bytes

Total on /rom: 11703 bytes

adcpollt1.lua                  1808 bytes
adcscope.lua                   2269 bytes
adcpollt2.lua                  1648 bytes
led.lua                        1559 bytes
pwmled.lua                     1057 bytes
life.lua                       3360 bytes
life2.lua                      0 bytes

Total on /mmc: 11701 bytes


Any hint what went wrong :) ?

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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

I'm not personally that familiar with the xmodem code that will write
a file out (I think Marcelo may have written it?), however, I can see
from looking at shell.c that if you got a message like:
"disk full, unable to save file xyz"

It basically throws a disk full error even if some other type of error
takes place when attempting the write:
    if( fwrite( shell_prog, sizeof( char ), file_sz, foutput ) == file_sz )
      printf( "received and saved as %s\n", args );
      printf( "disk full, unable to save file %s\n", args );

I don't have an SD-card hooked up to the discovery board but I can at
least try looking into this on another platform and see if it works
there for me or improve the error code returned.

Just as another quick question: are you working out of my bikeNomad
branch on git or another version of the STM32F4 port?



2011/11/12 pito <[hidden email]>:

> Hi, when I try to upload a file (ie. life2.lua) and write to sdcard
> via xmodem, it says after the upload "disc full..". Sdcard is 4gb,
> fat32 formatted. Reading the card is possible, as well as running a
> lua-sources out of it.
> eLua# recv /mmc/life2.lua
> Waiting for file ... CCdone, got 3360 bytes
> disk full, unable to save file /mmc/life2.lua
> eLua# ls
> /rom
> adcpollt2.lua                  1648 bytes
> life.lua                       3362 bytes
> adcscope.lua                   2269 bytes
> adcpollt1.lua                  1808 bytes
> led.lua                        1559 bytes
> pwmled.lua                     1057 bytes
> Total on /rom: 11703 bytes
> /mmc
> adcpollt1.lua                  1808 bytes
> adcscope.lua                   2269 bytes
> adcpollt2.lua                  1648 bytes
> led.lua                        1559 bytes
> pwmled.lua                     1057 bytes
> life.lua                       3360 bytes
> life2.lua                      0 bytes
> Total on /mmc: 11701 bytes
> eLua#
> Any hint what went wrong :) ?
> p.
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Pito Pito
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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

James, yes I am working with your branch at

The only change so far is the allocator stuff (2 segments, see my
previous mails) and bigger stack size (4k). So it works with full
192kB ram now. And also the pin assignment for sdcard is different
// MMCFS Support (FatFs on SD/MMC)
// For STM32F407VGT6:
// KIT        sdcard
// ------------------
// PB13 SCLK  SCLK(5)
// PB14 MISO  DI(2)
// PB15 MOSI  DO(7)
// PB11 /CS   /CS(1)
// GND        GND(3,6)
// 3V         VCC(4)

> Just as another quick question: are you working
> out of my bikeNomad
> branch on git or another version of the STM32F4
> port?

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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue


2011/11/13 pito <[hidden email]>
James, yes I am working with your branch at

The only change so far is the allocator stuff (2 segments, see my
previous mails) and bigger stack size (4k). So it works with full
192kB ram now. And also the pin assignment for sdcard is different
// MMCFS Support (FatFs on SD/MMC)
// For STM32F407VGT6:
// KIT        sdcard
// ------------------
// PB13 SCLK  SCLK(5)
// PB14 MISO  DI(2)
// PB15 MOSI  DO(7)
// PB11 /CS   /CS(1)
// GND        GND(3,6)
// 3V         VCC(4)

IIRC there's a bug in the STM32 SPI implementation, I'll take a look at it. In any case, the error message is wrong, it shouldn't simly assume that the disk is full.


> Just as another quick question: are you working
> out of my bikeNomad
> branch on git or another version of the STM32F4
> port?

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Pito Pito
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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

> > IIRC there's a bug in the STM32 SPI
> > implementation, I'll take a look at
> > it. In any case, the error message is wrong, it
> shouldn't simly assume that
> the disk is full.

It writes the headers to the mmc, 0 size however. Reading works fine
from mmc.
adcpollt1.lua                  1808 bytes
adcscope.lua                   2269 bytes
adcpollt2.lua                  1648 bytes
led.lua                        1559 bytes
pwmled.lua                     1057 bytes
life.lua                       3360 bytes
life2.lua                      0 bytes
l.lua                          0 bytes

Total on /mmc: 11701 bytes

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jbsnyder jbsnyder
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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

In reply to this post by BogdanM
2011/11/13 Bogdan Marinescu <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> 2011/11/13 pito <[hidden email]>
>> James, yes I am working with your branch at
>> The only change so far is the allocator stuff (2 segments, see my
>> previous mails) and bigger stack size (4k). So it works with full
>> 192kB ram now. And also the pin assignment for sdcard is different
>> // MMCFS Support (FatFs on SD/MMC)
>> // For STM32F407VGT6:
>> // KIT        sdcard
>> // ------------------
>> // PB13 SCLK  SCLK(5)
>> // PB14 MISO  DI(2)
>> // PB15 MOSI  DO(7)
>> // PB11 /CS   /CS(1)
>> // GND        GND(3,6)
>> // 3V         VCC(4)
> IIRC there's a bug in the STM32 SPI implementation, I'll take a look at it.
> In any case, the error message is wrong, it shouldn't simly assume that the
> disk is full.
> Best,
> Bogdan

This actually happens for me on LM3S as well.  I'm going to check into
this and see if something got broken recently, perhaps when I migrated
the mmc support over to the new system timers?

Strangely/interestingly, the only thing I can get xmodem working with
with or without writing to a file is teraterm, not that I've ever
tried using it with cutecom or minicom before.

>> > Just as another quick question: are you working
>> > out of my bikeNomad
>> > branch on git or another version of the STM32F4
>> > port?
>> p.
>> --
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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

2011/11/13 James Snyder <[hidden email]>:

> 2011/11/13 Bogdan Marinescu <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi,
>> 2011/11/13 pito <[hidden email]>
>>> James, yes I am working with your branch at
>>> The only change so far is the allocator stuff (2 segments, see my
>>> previous mails) and bigger stack size (4k). So it works with full
>>> 192kB ram now. And also the pin assignment for sdcard is different
>>> // MMCFS Support (FatFs on SD/MMC)
>>> // For STM32F407VGT6:
>>> // KIT        sdcard
>>> // ------------------
>>> // PB13 SCLK  SCLK(5)
>>> // PB14 MISO  DI(2)
>>> // PB15 MOSI  DO(7)
>>> // PB11 /CS   /CS(1)
>>> // GND        GND(3,6)
>>> // 3V         VCC(4)
>> IIRC there's a bug in the STM32 SPI implementation, I'll take a look at it.
>> In any case, the error message is wrong, it shouldn't simly assume that the
>> disk is full.
>> Best,
>> Bogdan
> This actually happens for me on LM3S as well.  I'm going to check into
> this and see if something got broken recently, perhaps when I migrated
> the mmc support over to the new system timers?

OK, I'm not sure if this will fix things on all fronts (re any extra
STM32 specific issues), but I certainly have working xmodem recv to a
file on lm3s now as of the commit I just put in to both the master and
the stm32f4 branch that's being maintained.

Also, I'd like to head in the direction of moving at least the f4 port
into the master branch soon...  any feedback users can provide on the
state of the various supported peripherals would be great.

> Strangely/interestingly, the only thing I can get xmodem working with
> with or without writing to a file is teraterm, not that I've ever
> tried using it with cutecom or minicom before.
>>> > Just as another quick question: are you working
>>> > out of my bikeNomad
>>> > branch on git or another version of the STM32F4
>>> > port?
>>> p.
>>> --
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Pito Pito
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Re: stm32f4DSKY - writing to mmc via xmodem issue

> OK, I'm not sure if this will fix things on all
> fronts (re any extra
> STM32 specific issues)
Thanks! Writing to mmc via xmodem works again. The xmodem upload is
fragile, however. Smaller files work fine (~1-10kB), the bigger
stops somewhere, but it always stops at max ~122kB. I am using
bluetooth module for uart comm.p.

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