stm32f4DSCY - sdcard - SDIO instead SPI

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Pito Pito
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stm32f4DSCY - sdcard - SDIO instead SPI

Hi, did somebody try SDIO (ie. 4bit) for the sdcard interface? There
is a description in stm32f4xx_sdio.c, but quite complex to setup,
though.  P.

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BogdanM BogdanM
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Re: stm32f4DSCY - sdcard - SDIO instead SPI


2011/11/15 pito <[hidden email]>
Hi, did somebody try SDIO (ie. 4bit) for the sdcard interface? There
is a description in stm32f4xx_sdio.c, but quite complex to setup,
though.  P.

I did a while ago. SDIO is an absolute bitch to setup and use, plus I could only get it working in 1-bit mode at low speed after a lot of struggle (on a STM32F103). So yes, it can be done :) 


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Pito Pito
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Re: stm32f4DSCY - sdcard - SDIO instead SPI

> I did a while ago. SDIO is an absolute bitch to
> setup and use, plus I could
> only get it working in 1-bit mode at low speed
> after a lot of struggle (on
> a STM32F103). So yes, it can be done :)
> Best,
> Bogdan

It seems it has been done :)

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Pito Pito
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Re: stm32f4DSCY - sdcard - SDIO instead SPI

I've downloaded (Oct4th) and there is
a sdio example. Integration effort needed, however. p.

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