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i'm trying to use sermux with rfs, but it doesnt work :( I use.. - Stellaris EK-LM3S8962 - Win7 64bit - teraterm What is working: - building elua (with codesourcery lite) - elua shell on com10 (with no sermux) - run lua files (from /rom.. or via xModem) - etcetc :) What i've tried so far to use sermux: - i can build the configured project, described at: http://www.eluaproject.net/doc/v0.8/en_sermux.html#rfsmux - com0com conversation between com15/com16 or com20/21 works - starting mux in "mux"-mode: >mux mux com10,115200,none com15 com20 --> now i can't receive anything on the terminal (com16 or com21) (when turn mux off and press the reset-button, i receive the startup-text from elua on com10.. when i try to type some text, i receive "y") ..with the verbose output i get: Running serial transport on port com10 at 115200 baud (8N1) Starting service multiplexer on 2 port(s) Changed service_id_out from -1(FFFFFFFF) to 209(D1). --> when i type something to port 21 Changed service_id_out from 209(D1) to 208(D0). --> when i type something to port 16 i'm using the physical UART0 which is connected to the ftdi-chip etc.. for the connection i use the standard driver from texas-instruments. for this reasen i use "none" for flow-control thanks for help!!!! |
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On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 3:17 PM, mrNickname <[hidden email]> wrote:
hi.. How does your platform_conf.h look like? Best, Bogdan _______________________________________________ eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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I think you can see it best, when i post the whole file:
// eLua platform configuration #ifndef __PLATFORM_CONF_H__ #define __PLATFORM_CONF_H__ #include "auxmods.h" #include "hw_memmap.h" #include "hw_types.h" #include "stacks.h" #include "sysctl.h" #include "elua_int.h" //******* #include "sermux.h" // for virtual uart IDs #include "buf.h" // for buffer sizes // ***************************************************************************** // Define here what components you want for this platform #define BUILD_XMODEM #define BUILD_SHELL #define BUILD_ROMFS #define BUILD_MMCFS #define BUILD_TERM #ifndef FORLM3S1968 #define BUILD_UIP //#define BUILD_DHCPC #define BUILD_DNS #endif #define BUILD_CON_GENERIC #define BUILD_ADC #define BUILD_RPC //#define BUILD_CON_TCP #define BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS //******* #define BUILD_LINENOISE #define BUILD_SERMUX #define BUILD_RFS #define BUILD_LUA_INT_HANDLERS #define PLATFORM_INT_QUEUE_LOG_SIZE 8 // ***************************************************************************** // UART/Timer IDs configuration data (used in main.c) //#define CON_UART_ID 0 //#define CON_UART_SPEED 115200 #define CON_TIMER_ID 0 #define TERM_LINES 25 #define TERM_COLS 80 // ***************************************** // SERMUX and RFS #define CON_UART_ID ( SERMUX_SERVICE_ID_FIRST + 1 ) #define CON_BUF_SIZE BUF_SIZE_128 #define RFS_UART_ID ( SERMUX_SERVICE_ID_FIRST ) #define RFS_BUFFER_SIZE BUF_SIZE_512 // Serial multiplexer data #define SERMUX_PHYS_ID 0 #define SERMUX_PHYS_SPEED 115200 #define SERMUX_NUM_VUART 2 #define SERMUX_BUFFER_SIZES { RFS_BUFFER_SIZE, CON_BUF_SIZE } //#define SERMUX_FLOW_TYPE PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_RTS | PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_CTS // ***************************************** // RFS #define RFS_TIMER_ID 1 //#define RFS_FLOW_TYPE PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_RTS | PLATFORM_UART_FLOW_CTS #define RFS_TIMEOUT 100000 #define RFS_UART_SPEED 115200 // ***************************************** // Linenoise #define LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_LUA 10 #define LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_SHELL 10 #define LINENOISE_AUTOSAVE_FNAME "linenoise" // ***************************************************************************** // Auxiliary libraries that will be compiled for this platform // The name of the platform specific libs table // FIXME: should handle partial or no inclusion of platform specific modules per conf.py #ifdef ENABLE_DISP #define PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME "lm3s" #endif #if defined( FORLM3S8962 ) || defined( FORLM3S9B92 ) #define CANLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_CAN, luaopen_can, can_map ) #define BUILD_CAN #else #define CANLINE #endif #ifdef FORLM3S6918 #define PWMLINE #else #define PWMLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_PWM, luaopen_pwm, pwm_map ) #endif #ifdef BUILD_UIP #define NETLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_NET, luaopen_net, net_map ) #else #define NETLINE #endif #ifdef BUILD_ADC #define ADCLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_ADC, luaopen_adc, adc_map ) #else #define ADCLINE #endif #if defined( ELUA_BOOT_RPC ) && !defined( BUILD_RPC ) #define BUILD_RPC #endif #if defined( BUILD_RPC ) #define RPCLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_RPC, luaopen_rpc, rpc_map ) #else #define RPCLINE #endif #ifdef PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME #define PLATLINE _ROM( PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME, luaopen_platform, platform_map ) #else #define PLATLINE #endif #define LUA_PLATFORM_LIBS_ROM\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PIO, luaopen_pio, pio_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_SPI, luaopen_spi, spi_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_TMR, luaopen_tmr, tmr_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PD, luaopen_pd, pd_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_UART, luaopen_uart, uart_map )\ PWMLINE\ _ROM( AUXLIB_TERM, luaopen_term, term_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PACK, luaopen_pack, pack_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_BIT, luaopen_bit, bit_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_BITARRAY, luaopen_bitarray, bitarray_map )\ NETLINE\ _ROM( AUXLIB_CPU, luaopen_cpu, cpu_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_ELUA, luaopen_elua, elua_map )\ ADCLINE\ CANLINE\ RPCLINE\ _ROM( LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math, math_map )\ PLATLINE // ***************************************************************************** // Configuration data // Static TCP/IP configuration #define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR0 192 #define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR1 168 #define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR2 100 #define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR3 90 #define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK0 255 #define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK1 255 #define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK2 255 #define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK3 0 #define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW0 192 #define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW1 168 #define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW2 100 #define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW3 20 #define ELUA_CONF_DNS0 192 #define ELUA_CONF_DNS1 168 #define ELUA_CONF_DNS2 100 #define ELUA_CONF_DNS3 20 // ***************************************************************************** // Configuration data // Virtual timers (0 if not used) #define VTMR_NUM_TIMERS 4 #define VTMR_FREQ_HZ 4 // Number of resources (0 if not available/not implemented) #if defined(FORLM3S1968) #define NUM_PIO 8 #elif defined(FORLM3S9B92) #define NUM_PIO 7 #else #define NUM_PIO 7 #endif #define NUM_SPI 1 #ifdef FORLM3S6965 #define NUM_UART 3 #elif FORLM3S9B92 #define NUM_UART 3 #else #define NUM_UART 2 #endif #define NUM_TIMER 4 #ifndef FORLM3S6918 #define NUM_PWM 6 #else #define NUM_PWM 0 #endif #define NUM_ADC 4 #define NUM_CAN 1 // Enable RX buffering on UART #define BUF_ENABLE_UART #define CON_BUF_SIZE BUF_SIZE_128 // ADC Configuration Params #define ADC_BIT_RESOLUTION 10 #define BUF_ENABLE_ADC #define ADC_BUF_SIZE BUF_SIZE_2 // These should be adjusted to support multiple ADC devices #define ADC_TIMER_FIRST_ID 0 #define ADC_NUM_TIMERS NUM_TIMER // RPC boot options #define RPC_UART_ID CON_UART_ID #define RPC_TIMER_ID CON_TIMER_ID #define RPC_UART_SPEED CON_UART_SPEED // SD/MMC Filesystem Setup #define MMCFS_TICK_HZ 4 #define MMCFS_TICK_MS ( 1000 / MMCFS_TICK_HZ ) #if defined( ELUA_BOARD_EKLM3S6965 ) // EK-LM3S6965 #define MMCFS_CS_PORT 3 #define MMCFS_CS_PIN 0 #define MMCFS_SPI_NUM 0 #elif defined( ELUA_BOARD_EKLM3S8962 ) // EK-LM3S8962 #define MMCFS_CS_PORT 6 #define MMCFS_CS_PIN 0 #define MMCFS_SPI_NUM 0 #elif defined( ELUA_BOARD_EAGLE100 ) // Eagle-100 #define MMCFS_CS_PORT 6 #define MMCFS_CS_PIN 1 #define MMCFS_SPI_NUM 0 #elif defined( BUILD_MMCFS ) && !defined( MMCFS_SPI_NUM ) #warning "MMCFS was enabled, but required SPI & CS data are undefined, disabling MMCFS" #undef BUILD_MMCFS #endif // CPU frequency (needed by the CPU module, 0 if not used) #define CPU_FREQUENCY SysCtlClockGet() // PIO prefix ('0' for P0, P1, ... or 'A' for PA, PB, ...) #define PIO_PREFIX 'A' // Pins per port configuration: // #define PIO_PINS_PER_PORT (n) if each port has the same number of pins, or // #define PIO_PIN_ARRAY { n1, n2, ... } to define pins per port in an array // Use #define PIO_PINS_PER_PORT 0 if this isn't needed #if defined(FORLM3S1968) #define PIO_PIN_ARRAY { 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4} #elif defined(FORLM3S9B92) #define PIO_PIN_ARRAY { 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8 } #else #define PIO_PIN_ARRAY { 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2 } #endif // A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J #ifdef FORLM3S9B92 #define SRAM_SIZE ( 0x18000 ) #else #define SRAM_SIZE ( 0x10000 ) #endif // Allocator data: define your free memory zones here in two arrays // (start address and end address) #define MEM_START_ADDRESS { ( void* )end } #define MEM_END_ADDRESS { ( void* )( SRAM_BASE + SRAM_SIZE - STACK_SIZE_TOTAL - 1 ) } // Interrupt list #define INT_TMR_MATCH ELUA_INT_FIRST_ID //modified #define INT_UART_RX ( ELUA_INT_FIRST_ID + 1 ) #define INT_ELUA_LAST INT_UART_RX // ***************************************************************************** // CPU constants that should be exposed to the eLua "cpu" module #include "hw_ints.h" #define PLATFORM_CPU_CONSTANTS\ _C( INT_GPIOA ),\ _C( INT_GPIOB ),\ _C( INT_GPIOC ),\ _C( INT_GPIOD ),\ _C( INT_GPIOE ),\ _C( INT_UART0 ),\ _C( INT_UART1 ),\ _C( INT_SSI0 ),\ _C( INT_I2C0 ),\ _C( INT_PWM_FAULT ),\ _C( INT_PWM0 ),\ _C( INT_PWM1 ),\ _C( INT_PWM2 ),\ _C( INT_QEI0 ),\ _C( INT_ADC0 ),\ _C( INT_ADC1 ),\ _C( INT_ADC2 ),\ _C( INT_ADC3 ),\ _C( INT_WATCHDOG ),\ _C( INT_TIMER0A ),\ _C( INT_TIMER0B ),\ _C( INT_TIMER1A ),\ _C( INT_TIMER1B ),\ _C( INT_TIMER2A ),\ _C( INT_TIMER2B ),\ _C( INT_COMP0 ),\ _C( INT_COMP1 ),\ _C( INT_COMP2 ),\ _C( INT_SYSCTL ),\ _C( INT_FLASH ),\ _C( INT_GPIOF ),\ _C( INT_GPIOG ),\ _C( INT_GPIOH ),\ _C( INT_UART2 ),\ _C( INT_SSI1 ),\ _C( INT_TIMER3A ),\ _C( INT_TIMER3B ),\ _C( INT_I2C1 ),\ _C( INT_QEI1 ),\ _C( INT_CAN0 ),\ _C( INT_CAN1 ),\ _C( INT_CAN2 ),\ _C( INT_ETH ),\ _C( INT_HIBERNATE ),\ _C( INT_USB0 ),\ _C( INT_PWM3 ),\ _C( INT_UDMA ),\ _C( INT_UDMAERR ),\ _C( INT_UART_RX ),\ _C( INT_TMR_MATCH ) //for tmr interrupt #endif // #ifndef __PLATFORM_CONF_H__ |
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Interesting. Could you also please try the 'rfsmux' mode and let me know if that works?
Thanks, Bogdan On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:34 PM, mrNickname <[hidden email]> wrote: I think you can see it best, when i post the whole file: _______________________________________________ eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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this doesn't work too:
> mux rfsmux:c:\elua\fs com10,115200,none com20 -v Running serial transport on port com10 at 115200 baud (8N1) RFS: using memory transport. Sharing directory c:\elua\fs Starting service multiplexer on 1 port(s) Changed service_id_out from -1(FFFFFFFF) to 209(D1). --> when i type something to com21 But i receive nothing on com21 and can't check the rfs in the shell.. Do you know if it could be a problem because i use the connection over the "ftdi-usb-virtual com port"..? |
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On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 9:42 AM, mrNickname <[hidden email]> wrote: this doesn't work too: No, I don't think so. I'll test this and get back when I have a response, thanks for the report. Best,
_______________________________________________ eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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are there any news about my sermux-problem? I'm asking because i am writing a little software at the moment, at it would spare many time, if i don't have to flash the uC any time new with the whole elua-project... kind regards |
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On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:26 PM, mrNickname <[hidden email]> wrote: hi.. Sorry, I didn't have time to look through the problem and I don't think I'll have time soon. In the meantime, you could try to use XMODEM instead of sermux. Not as convenient, but it does work.
Best (and good luck), Bogdan
_______________________________________________ eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Bogdan Marinescu <[hidden email]> wrote: Hi, Ah, one more thing: the 'newstack' branch of our reop contains an improved TCP/IP stack; additionally, it also features RFS over UDP. Much easier to setup and use (also faster). If you want, you can use this instead of RFS. There are two main cases:
1. console and RFS over TCP/IP (console works over Telnet). I think this is the default configuration on the branch now. 2. console over serial, RFS over UDP. Console over serial is generally more stable (and also has terminal support, which currenly doesn't happen over Telnet).
If you are interested in this and need help with configuring things, please let me know. I didn't test it in Windows yet, but it should be fine. Best, Bogdan
_______________________________________________ eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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Oh i saw your edited post right now..
Yes, I'm interested to try this :) What i have to do to use RFS over UDP? I couldn't find something on the website.. regards |
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This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by BogdanM
Hello, 1. Is there an easy way to see what work is in process? I just spent a bunch of time working on UDP and ran across this because I switched my console to telnet because I am trying to debug the UDP stuff (over usb) and needed to send lua files over telnet. Oh well, it forced me to learn uip a little and set up eclipse / openocd for debugging. 2. Does the newstack enable the UDP generally or just for RFS like the dhcp and dns? 3. I am interested in testing this with choice number one. I have telnet / console and eclipse / openocd over usb working now with the main branch. Anything extra needed besides just building "newstack"? Regards. Jim |
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In reply to this post by BogdanM
I did the following:
1. built and flashed newstack 2. built rfs_server (running on linux) 3. start "./rfs_server udp /path/to/files" 4. plugin the elua board on usb 5. telnet to the elua board successfully it cannot see the rfs Ideas? Jim |
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man, love open source, but linux learning curve is PAIN IN THE #%^@$#!
[SOLVED] I had to open the port in the firewall. I can now telnet to the elua board and it can see the remote fs via rfs! wahoo! Jim |
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In reply to this post by BogdanM
Hello again,
I have successfully sent UDP messages from the elua board to a specific ip address (example: However, when I send messages to the "broadcast" address ( in this example), elua completely hangs on net.sendto. I have to unplug it and plug it back in. I know this works on my network as I am using a UDP tool to send / receive UDP and the tool successfully sends the broadcast messages. Also, the network traffic spikes very high while the elua board is hung. Is there another place where bugs should be reported? Regards, Jim |
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On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 5:24 AM, jrambo316 <[hidden email]> wrote: > Hello again, > > I have successfully sent UDP messages from the elua board to a specific ip > address (example: However, when I send messages to the > "broadcast" address ( in this example), elua completely hangs > on net.sendto. I have to unplug it and plug it back in. > > I know this works on my network as I am using a UDP tool to send / receive > UDP and the tool successfully sends the broadcast messages. > > Also, the network traffic spikes very high while the elua board is hung. > > Is there another place where bugs should be reported? That would be our bug tracker: http://tracker.eluaproject.net/ Be sure to specify what branch you're working on. Thanks, Bogdan > > Regards, > Jim > > -- > View this message in context: http://elua-development.2368040.n2.nabble.com/sermux-doesn-t-work-tp7066758p7423669.html > Sent from the eLua Development mailing list archive at Nabble.com. > _______________________________________________ > eLua-dev mailing list > [hidden email] > https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev eLua-dev mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev |
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