listing eLua virtues

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Patrick-11 Patrick-11
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listing eLua virtues

Hey Everyone

Do you think that "userland firmware"  or "user firmware" would be an
understandable selling point? Saying that end users can modify the
firmware through a serial connection and that they can script right on
the target device is a strong selling point but is there some "catchy"
phrase that could summarize this?

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Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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Re: listing eLua virtues

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 14:21, Patrick Mc(avery <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hey Everyone

Do you think that "userland firmware"  or "user firmware" would be an understandable selling point? Saying that end users can modify the firmware through a serial connection and that they can script right on the target device is a strong selling point but is there some "catchy" phrase that could summarize this?

Marketing terms can be a nuisance (at least for us not from the field) and I'm having the same problem here for the new site :).
It seems that any good-sounding word can do, if it comes with a clear and short explanation.

Some audiences (mostly decision-makers, not necessarily end-users) like the idea that "eLua transforms hardware in commodities", in the sense they can change the hw platform of their products and reuse most (if not all) of the code saving money on this. But this is not exactly what you mentioned above.

The word "script" seems to be catching too, as something that can "customize with intelligence" a product, not requiring deep programming knowledge and usable by end-users or their technical support teams.
User scriptable ?
Scripting-capable firmware ?
Scriptable firmware ?
User programmable firmware ?
(none of the above sound too nice to me)



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