hi from a new member

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Karoly Molnar Karoly Molnar
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hi from a new member

Hi All

I just wanted to say hello because I am a new member on the list. 

I'm Karoly Molnar and have a some embedded experience but have never dealt with Lua or eLua. I am interested in eLua for a specific project that requires a fast scripting engine on a microcontroller and thought that Lua would be a perfect choice. Apparently the very first attempt to compile the original Lua ended up in running out of the available memory  :-) Then a google search landed me on the eLua page and am happy to see that you guys have done a magnificent job here! 

At the moment I am just trying to catch up, I have an MBED board around from an old project so I just rebuilt the binary from the latest sources on LPC1768 and played with some options. 

Best Regards

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