eLua IRC Channel

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jbsnyder jbsnyder
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eLua IRC Channel

For those on the list who aren't aware, we have started an IRC channel
at #elua on freenode.  So far it's a bit quiet, but Bogdan and I do
tend to leave clients open there to chat about things.  If you have a
quick question about eLua, feel free to drop by.

Web-based Client:

IRC Logs:

Thanks to joritzel (THC4k on freenode) for the web-based IRC logs :-)

Also of course, for general Lua-related questions, there's a #lua on
freenode as well:


James Snyder
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
[hidden email]
PGP: http://fanplastic.org/key.txt
Phone: (847) 448-0386
eLua-dev mailing list
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