User's Wiki

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Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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User's Wiki

Hello folks,
   My last message presenting another eLua based project reminds me that I would like to have a space in the project's site, dedicated to User's Projects and eLua Uses.
   I don't think anybody would host it there, because it wouldn't have an SVN/GIT repo once there are so many nice ones out there. There is also LuaForge, GCode, ......., you name it....
   At first, I thought about a Wiki (Sputnik-based, of course :), once we have many hosted in our Lab already. But having the code elsewhere, I don't think people would maintain another site other than the main one (GCode has even a nice little wiki too), for extra-work reasons.
   But having at least a compilation of eLua-based Projects, with links to the original sites seem usefull and I'll try to do that for v0.6, after hearing your thoughts on that too.


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