I have problem (probably my configuration is bad) with MMCFS on lm3s9b92 (eLUA v0.9).
So, in board configuration I put:
mmcfs = {spi = 0, cs_port = 0, cs_pin = 3 },
(Does it mean that cs_port is on port A ?)
and I added spi:
modules = {
generic = { 'all_lua', '-bit', 'can', 'pack', 'pd', 'pwm', 'spi', 'term', 'tmr', '-uart', '-cpu', 'pio', '-i2c', '-net', '-adc', '-mrpc', 'mpio'}
That's all my configuration in MMCFS issue, so maybe I missed something (MOSI/MISO pin configuration etc.)?
The result is:
eLua# lua /mmc/info.lua
Press CTRL+Z to exit Lua
lua: cannot open /mmc/info.txt: No such file or directory
Maybe I have small mistake, so I prefer to ask before I will make changes in source of eLUA.