Test code for eLua

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kapsky kapsky
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Test code for eLua

Does exist a code for testing eLua C functions ?
I mean code that I can run and test functions and errors.

I am also looking for simpy test code in Lua.

If you have some ideas where can I find it, please let me know.

raman raman
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Re: Test code for eLua

Dear Kapsky,

> Does exist a code for testing eLua C functions ?  I mean code that I
> can run and test functions and errors.

I am not sure I understand what you want to do. By "eLua C functions",
do you perhaps mean the eLua modules written in C?


On 23 January 2017 at 21:26, kapsky [via eLua Development] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Does exist a code for testing eLua C functions ?
I mean code that I can run and test functions and errors.

I am also looking for simpy test code in Lua.

If you have some ideas where can I find it, please let me know.


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kapsky kapsky
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Re: Test code for eLua

Yes. I mean eLua functions writen in C. To test if everything works correctly.
raman raman
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Re: Test code for eLua

Dear Kapsky,

> Yes. I mean eLua functions writen in C. To test if everything
> works correctly.

OK. You perhaps mean eLua examples. So, if you want to play with the
MCU peripherals, you can look into examples like `tvbgone' [1] OR the
LM3S games which you can find here [2]. You can steal parts of it OR
adapt it and write your test functions around it. An ADC poll example
also lives in [2]. But that runs on LM3S. You can always get it to
work on another target platform.

The SimpleMachines community maintains a reference manual for its
Mizar32 board on Wikibooks. It contains an eLua example (and a
corresponding PicoLisp example) for almost every HW peripheral on the
MCU. You can find it in [3]. I hope this helps you. Feel free to write
back if you get stuck. Have a lot of fun with your board!


[1]: https://github.com/elua/tvbgone/blob/master/tvbgone.lua
[2]: https://github.com/elua/lm3s_games/tree/master/romfs
[3]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Mizar32