Stellaris Driver Libraries

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jbsnyder jbsnyder
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Stellaris Driver Libraries

I've committed some updates for the Stellaris driver libraries.  
There's no changelog provided by Luminary, but the changes look to be  
the following:
- minor refactoring to remove some repetition of code within many of  
the driver library files
- functions for checking if PWM output/generator numbers are valid
- functions for checking status of the UART, getting/clearing error  

Nothing from r148 - r150 should be specific to any particular LM  
Stellaris eval boards.

Of note: I've adjusted UARTConfigSetExpClk to match an earlier  
function definition, which returned baud.  The latest version in a  
fresh copy of the driver library returns nothing.

I've tested these changes on my own LM3S6965, I'd like to know if any  
of these cause any undesirable side effects on other LM micros, but I  
don't think they should.

Prior to these commits, I also checked in fixes to make the OLED  
display and PWM1 work on LM3S6965.

James Snyder
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
jbsnyder at
ph: (847) 644-2322

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Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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Stellaris Driver Libraries

The piano and pwmled examples are running fine on our EK-LM3S8962 !! (Thanks
Pedro !!!!!!!!! :)
During the week I'll be able to test other examples and test for any side
efects too.

Thank you for all the LM3S6965 fixes Snyder !


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 21:42, James Snyder <jbsnyder at> wrote:

> I've committed some updates for the Stellaris driver libraries.  There's no
> changelog provided by Luminary, but the changes look to be the following:
> - minor refactoring to remove some repetition of code within many of the
> driver library files
> - functions for checking if PWM output/generator numbers are valid
> - functions for checking status of the UART, getting/clearing error state
> Nothing from r148 - r150 should be specific to any particular LM Stellaris
> eval boards.
> Of note: I've adjusted UARTConfigSetExpClk to match an earlier function
> definition, which returned baud.  The latest version in a fresh copy of the
> driver library returns nothing.
> I've tested these changes on my own LM3S6965, I'd like to know if any of
> these cause any undesirable side effects on other LM micros, but I don't
> think they should.
> Prior to these commits, I also checked in fixes to make the OLED display
> and PWM1 work on LM3S6965.
> --
> James Snyder
> Biomedical Engineering
> Northwestern University
> jbsnyder at
> ph: (847) 644-2322
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