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Milind Gupta Milind Gupta
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       I received my STM32expander board yesterday and after struggling a bit I have no clue how to connect to it. I found a post from 27th match saying that it did not work fully for him even after flashing the elua manually. I think the STM32Expander board should be removed from the Wiki since there is no support from Omnima and for a beginner it is very misleading because from the wiki it seems like it is the best option to get started since it is shipping with elua.
      I am trying to get a board to start with elua, STM32Expander seemed like a bad choice. All the official supported boards from TI seem to be outdated? Is there any official board for the current TI controllers?


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Björn Kalkbrenner Björn Kalkbrenner
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Re: STM32expander


I has the same problems like you, also no information from omnima.

But i got it working some weeks ago using the stlink for flashing my own compiled elua from the  omnima git (but with different baud settings for uart).

Then i used an external uart to USB bridge, now i have the elua console.

There are still problems with returned output and carriage returns.

BTW, the USB port is NOT working as uart to USB/CDC device!

One great working example was running on the Nxp mbed (lpc1769), really great port.
I also got it to work on the stm32f4 discovery.

Someone on this list was trying to port elua on the new stm32 nucleo boards, i have to look at the list history but this will be really nice, the nucleo is really cheap and some sort of arduino shield compatible.


> Am 05.05.2014 um 20:54 schrieb Milind Gupta <[hidden email]>:
> Hello,
>        I received my STM32expander board yesterday and after struggling a bit I have no clue how to connect to it. I found a post from 27th match saying that it did not work fully for him even after flashing the elua manually. I think the STM32Expander board should be removed from the Wiki since there is no support from Omnima and for a beginner it is very misleading because from the wiki it seems like it is the best option to get started since it is shipping with elua.
>       I am trying to get a board to start with elua, STM32Expander seemed like a bad choice. All the official supported boards from TI seem to be outdated? Is there any official board for the current TI controllers?
> Thanks,
> Milind
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Mark Burton Mark Burton
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Re: STM32expander


> Someone on this list was trying to port elua on the new stm32 nucleo
> boards, i have to look at the list history but this will be really
> nice, the nucleo is really cheap and some sort of arduino shield
> compatible.

It was me.

There is now boards/known/stm32f4-nucleo.lua

It builds for the stm32f401re version of the nucleo.


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