STM32F4discovery - bike nomad - small fixes

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Pito Pito
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STM32F4discovery - bike nomad - small fixes

Hi, these are two small fixes you may consider:

in \src\platform\stm32\platform_conf.h line 141
// MMCFS Support (FatFs on SD/MMC)
// SD/MMC:
// ------------------
// PB13 SCLK  5
// PB14 MISO  7
// PB15 MOSI  2
// PB11 /CS   1
// GND        3,6
// 3V         4


in \src\shell.c line 49
// 'help' handler
static void shell_help( char* args )
args = args;
printf( "Shell commands:\n" );
printf( "  exit        - exit from this shell\n" );
printf( "  help        - print this help\n" );
printf( "  ls or dir   - lists filesystems files and sizes\n" );
printf( "  cat or type - lists file contents\n" );
printf( "  lua [args]  - run Lua with the given arguments\n" );
printf( "  recv [path] - receive a file via XMODEM, if there is a
path, save\n" );
printf( "                there, otherwise run it..\n" );
printf( "  cp <src> <dst> - copy source file 'src' to 'dst'\n" );
printf( "  ver         - print eLua version\n" );


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