Remote Building eLua

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Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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Remote Building eLua

Hello eLuers :)
   Toolchain building has been a problem to eLua newcommers for various
   To help surmount this initial step and offer a quickly hands-on
experimenting environment, I am thinking about offering remote access to a
Virtual Machine in one of our servers, where I've already installed
Toolchains for ARM7, ARM9 and ARM Cortex M3, so people can build eLua and
scp their .bin ready to be flashed in their boards.
   I know this won't work for big crowds but this is another problem and I
will be happy to have it in the future :)
   Developpers would have access too, to help building and maintaining new
Toolchains (ex: AVR32, ....) for other platforms.
   The VM is up, I can give access to those who want it but I need to
install some more tools (pls tell me if anyone wants emacs or anything
.....) and updates.

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