Problem building eLua with Windows

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lemiort lemiort
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Problem building eLua with Windows

I successfuly installed toolchain for windows by this instruction
I was following this build build instruction, so I can't find file src/platform/<platform_name>/platform_conf.h (src/platform/stm32/platform_conf.h in my case).  What I've done wrong? Is instrcution actual?
BogdanM BogdanM
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Re: Problem building eLua with Windows


The directory you're talking about exists in the tree (, so I'm not sure what's the problem. Can you please copy/paste your command line and the complete output?

lemiort lemiort
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Re: Problem building eLua with Windows

Problem was in using old instructions. It was solved using lua-based compilation.

03.05.2016 13:25, BogdanM [via eLua Development] пишет:

The directory you're talking about exists in the tree (, so I'm not sure what's the problem. Can you please copy/paste your command line and the complete output?


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