Porting eLua to BegleBone Black

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hrh1818 hrh1818
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Porting eLua to BegleBone Black

Has any thought been given to porting eLua to BeagleBone Black? With a price of $45.00 and 2 GB of flash it looks like a very promising candidate. See: <http://www.digikey.com/product-highlights/us/en/texas-instruments-beagleboard/685?gclid=CPj1lYq5grcCFcdU4AodLn0ACQ&WT.term=beaglebone+black&WT.medium=cpc&WT.campaign=Programmers%2C+Development+Systems&WT.srch=1&WT.content=text&type=Exact&WT.source=google&network=g&adpos=1t1&WT.mc_id=Programmers%2C+Development+Systems&cshift_ck=dbbe19f1-c16e-421e-849f-2a192d030df1csNGO1u4Zv> hrh1818
Tony-12 Tony-12
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Re: Porting eLua to BegleBone Black

I've thought about it.  The BeagleBone has a great set of digital peripherals (external bus, comm ports, motion control, timing), better than most microcontrollers, at an incredible price (it's less expensive than an Arduino Due), and a developing cape ecosystem.

On the other hand, I'm not interested writing Linux device drivers.  So I do think making the BeagleBone into a "super Arduino" without all the added complexity (e.g. of BoneScript, node.js, and Linux) but with the added power of Lua is a great idea.

But I'm not sure a straight eLua port is the best approach for a system with 512M RAM, not 64K.  LuaJIT has already been ported to ARM Cortex A8.  TI has StarterWare (peripheral drivers and libraries without OS) and SYS/BIOS (a small RTOS + StarterWare) ported to the BeagleBone processor (AM3358 or AM3359).

So I'm thinking that the best approach might be SYS/BIOS + LuaJIT + eLua compatible (as far as possible) libraries for BeagleBone's peripherals.  That would make it relatively easy to move code between systems, but still take advantage of the Beagle's processing power.  Unfortunately, this isn't high on my priorities yet, although I do plan on buying the BeagleBone Black within a month or two.


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