PC Configuation AT91SAM7X256

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PC Configuation AT91SAM7X256


I'm working on the board  AT91SAM7X256 on windows, i have installed sam-ba, and i have sent elua binary to the flash and i executed it (i did all this within the usb port).
Afterwards, i installed teraterm and i did the following configuration:
  • port setup: 115200 baud (38400 for STR7), 8N1(8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit).
  • hardware flow control: none
  • newline handling: "CR" on receive, "CR+LF" on send (some terminal programs won't give you a choice here).
then i pressed reset. but nothing happened, and even worse, the computer doesn't recognize the board anymore; but whenever i erase the flash the computer recognizes it again. so please would you explain me what's happening exactly and what should i do to configure teraterm? i want to know also what is the meaning of the jumper TST? thank you in advance


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PC Configuation AT91SAM7X256


I'm working on the board  AT91SAM7X256 on windows, i have installed sam-ba, and i have sent elua binary to the flash and i executed it (i did all this within the usb port).
Afterwards, i installed teraterm and i did the following configuration:
  • port setup: 115200 baud (38400 for STR7), 8N1(8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit).
  • hardware flow control: none
  • newline handling: "CR" on receive, "CR+LF" on send (some terminal programs won't give you a choice here).
then i pressed reset. but nothing happened, and even worse, the computer doesn't recognize the board anymore; but whenever i erase the flash the computer recognizes it again. so please would you explain me what's happening exactly and what should i do to configure teraterm? i want to know also what is the meaning of the jumper TST? thank you in advance


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