Elua Keil?

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picman picman
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Elua Keil?

Hi I have a project that's been worked on for 6 months in keil and I wanted to port Elua to it.
So I added the Elua source and got it to compile, then added a few independent modules and that works to, but when I try to add my own modules to control my hardware it calls the function fine but crashes when the function exits, are there any example builds for Keil?
I'm using the ST cortex M7.
raman raman
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Re: Elua Keil?

Dear picman, greetings!

Sorry; this is a late reply. I don't know if you already have an
answer to you question.

> compile, then added a few independent modules and that works to, but
> when I try to add my own modules to control my hardware it calls the


> function fine but crashes when the function exits, are there any
> example builds for Keil?  I'm using the ST cortex M7.

Maybe this has something to do with stack corruption? What did your
debugger tell you? Were you able to see your call trace? As far as I
know, eLua doesn't have Keil builds. I am so sure that the eLua
web-builder uses our beloved gcc.

But if you already have some success with Keil for eLua, it would be
most helpful if you share your results with the community. Good day!