Dfu-programmer (avr32) for Windows.

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Nuccio Raciti Nuccio Raciti
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Dfu-programmer (avr32) for Windows.

Hi All,

I discovered that if you build the "Dfu-programmer" using both "Mingw"
and the Win32 version of the "Libusb0" you will get  a "Dfu-programmer"
that works on Windows!

I successfully compiled the v0.5.4 and I inserted it into the "Goat" setup.

Hoping it helps,

Dfu-programmer    ==> http://dfu-programmer.sourceforge.net
Mingw                     ==> http://www.mingw.org/
Libusb0 (win32)       ==> http://www.libusb.org/wiki/libusb-win32
Goat setup(win32)  ==> http://www.box.com/goat
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