Arduino Due (Atmel SAM3) port - got eLua running

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Arduino Due (Atmel SAM3) port - got eLua running

Just a quick note, I got eLua running on the Atmel SAM3X8E (Arduino DUE).
Using Atmel Software Framework libraries.

Do not have support for much working in platform.c yet.
Support for other devices (PIO, Timer, etc.) is in various states of draft.
Now that have serial port working, so I can run the interpreter, that should facilitate
debugging support for various modules.

Will put up on github when I get chance.
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gduarte gduarte
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Re: Arduino Due (Atmel SAM3) port - got eLua running

Cool!! You have used libsam coming with Arduino IDE? 2 days ago I had started a script to compile pure C to Arduino DUE, in order to start porting eLua as soon as possible.

2013/11/1 <[hidden email]>
Just a quick note, I got eLua running on the Atmel SAM3X8E (Arduino DUE).
Using Atmel Software Framework libraries.

Do not have support for much working in platform.c yet.
Support for other devices (PIO, Timer, etc.) is in various states of draft.
Now that have serial port working, so I can run the interpreter, that should facilitate
debugging support for various modules.

Will put up on github when I get chance.
eLua-dev mailing list
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Gabriel Duarte
Linux User #471185
Rio de Janeiro / RJ

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