Advertising eLua

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BogdanM BogdanM
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Advertising eLua

Hello all,

Not exactly a development discussion, but still pretty important (and
at this point I don't see the need to have a separate list for generic
discussions, so please endulge me :) ). I'm getting ready to release
eLua 0.3 (somewhere before next week) and I'm wondering what are the
best places where I can advertise its existence. So far I use these:

- the Lua list (not the best place, the people there are mainly
interested in Lua on desktops)
- the Luminary Micro forums
-> for the LM3S platform
- the "offical" AT91 forum ( -> for the AT91SAM7X platform
- not sure yet what I'll use for STR9, but I'll definetely find something.
- luaforge and berlios
- e-mail (to a list of people interested in eLua)
- elua-ann at (except nobody is subscribed to that yet :) )

(Also, I finally managed to wake up my LPC2888 board from the dead
with OpenOCD, so I hope that pretty soon there will be an eLua port to
the LPC2888, and at that point we'll be able to advertise it to the
LPC2xxx people, and they quite a nice and active community.)

So, my question is, how do we make eLua more visible to people? I'd
like to find large communities of people interested in microcontroller
programming, as well as related topics (for example robotics,
automation and similar) and advertise there. If you know of such
places (or other places that could find eLua interesting), please let
me know. The idea, of course, is to attract as many users as possible,
and gain a few developers in the process :)


Dado Sutter Dado Sutter
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Advertising eLua

Hello Bogdan,
   Hard to tell what's best now, as all your ideas will surely bring more
codeforce for eLua.
   Let's continue to maket it in ALL the possible fronts, until some of them
show up as more fertile comunities.
   I would certainly continue to market eLua in the Lua list and Luaforge.
   Downhere, I'm also preparing (sync again !! :) to present eLua in many
instrumentation and electronic lists, from where we will surely get some

   There will also be a big Control & Automation event in november, where I
plan to prepare a big show with eLua and other Lua frameworks we have
downhere (not only for automation).
   With luck (and a lot of praying :), we can get some funds for your first
trip  to the tropics !
   Who knows ? Why not ?
   Meanwhile, we continue to work hard here to get to where you where some
months ago :) We still don't have our own eLua running in our platforms :(


On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Bogdan Marinescu <
bogdan.marinescu at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Not exactly a development discussion, but still pretty important (and
> at this point I don't see the need to have a separate list for generic
> discussions, so please endulge me :) ). I'm getting ready to release
> eLua 0.3 (somewhere before next week) and I'm wondering what are the
> best places where I can advertise its existence. So far I use these:
> - the Lua list (not the best place, the people there are mainly
> interested in Lua on desktops)
> - the Luminary Micro forums
> (
> )
> -> for the LM3S platform
> - the "offical" AT91 forum ( -> for the AT91SAM7X platform
> - not sure yet what I'll use for STR9, but I'll definetely find something.
> - luaforge and berlios
> - e-mail (to a list of people interested in eLua)
> - elua-ann at (except nobody is subscribed to that yet :) )
> (Also, I finally managed to wake up my LPC2888 board from the dead
> with OpenOCD, so I hope that pretty soon there will be an eLua port to
> the LPC2888, and at that point we'll be able to advertise it to the
> LPC2xxx people, and they quite a nice and active community.)
> So, my question is, how do we make eLua more visible to people? I'd
> like to find large communities of people interested in microcontroller
> programming, as well as related topics (for example robotics,
> automation and similar) and advertise there. If you know of such
> places (or other places that could find eLua interesting), please let
> me know. The idea, of course, is to attract as many users as possible,
> and gain a few developers in the process :)
> Thanks,
> Bogdan
> _______________________________________________
> Elua-dev mailing list
> Elua-dev at
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BogdanM BogdanM
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Advertising eLua

Thanks, Dado. Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Dado Sutter <dadosutter at> wrote:
> Hello Bogdan,
>    Hard to tell what's best now, as all your ideas will surely bring more
> codeforce for eLua.
>    Let's continue to maket it in ALL the possible fronts, until some of them
> show up as more fertile comunities.
My point exactly, except I don't know of many such communities. On the
other hand, you seem to know, and I know you'll do your best to
advertise, so hurray for eLua :)
This also affects eLua from a development point of view. So far my
strategy was to provide as many ports as possible, in order to involve
as many people as possible, even though I'd rather work on the missing
features than on the ports. This strategy might be wrong, I have no
idea at this point if this is the case or not. For example, I believe
that in order to be more attractive, eLua needs more platform support
(PWM (I can't wait to implement a TVBGone in eLua :) ), bindings for
ADC/DAC, I2C, event counting and others) and more platform ports. I
find these to be more appealing to potential users than "bigger"
features like file systems, built-in editor, TCP/IP and all the other
things listed on the status page. But again, I might be wrong about
this (especially on the TCP/IP part).

>    I would certainly continue to market eLua in the Lua list and Luaforge.
>    Downhere, I'm also preparing (sync again !! :) to present eLua in many
> instrumentation and electronic lists, from where we will surely get some
> help.
That's impressive, thanks in advance!

>    There will also be a big Control & Automation event in november, where I
> plan to prepare a big show with eLua and other Lua frameworks we have
> downhere (not only for automation).
>    With luck (and a lot of praying :), we can get some funds for your first
> trip  to the tropics !
>    Who knows ? Why not ?
I think eLua is a bit too "young" for something like this, but sure,
if you can get people to be interested in it, that's definetely the
way to go.

>    Meanwhile, we continue to work hard here to get to where you where some
> months ago :) We still don't have our own eLua running in our platforms :(
I can understand that's frustrating, but don't worry, in the end
you'll see it was worth it :) Plus, the next platform will be much
easier to port.
