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You are right, that looks like an extremely interesting platform. Unfortunately I still have 0 time to work on eLua, but I can provide some assistance if someone else starts doing it. Best, Bogdan |
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My board arrived. I didn't notice it has odd pin spacing before I ordered. It will be hard to use with a bread board. It also needs a power input to be soldered, usb or otherwise. Great chip, bad implementation.
I would like to spend 1 hour per day porting elua to new hardware. I have never done it before. The tutorial is helpful though. Do I need the board I am porting for? I would go with the digistump OAK (to be released in Oct. 2015) if I could choose the best candidate. I will not have that board for a few more months though. |
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Another good board to look into would be the Particle (Spark) Photon. Internally it's a STM part (so theres and existing elua port that should be very close) with a broadcom wifi chipset. It's $19, but it will probably be much better supported from a tools perspective and they sell a FCC certified module with antenna for $12 (probably about $3 if you have the volume to go direct to USI) and it's very breadboard friendly. If I ever find time I'm wanting to do a port for that myself, I've already got 4 of them and a JTAG shield sitting on my shelf. Let me know if you're interested in doing any work on it and I'll try to find some time to help.On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Anfred [via eLua Development] <[hidden email]> wrote: My board arrived. I didn't notice it has odd pin spacing before I ordered. It will be hard to use with a bread board. It also needs a power input to be soldered, usb or otherwise. Great chip, bad implementation. -- Patrick Barrett // E X O S I T E // Minneapolis, MN // www.exosite.com
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In reply to this post by Anfred
Here is a better implementation of the emw chip:http://www.smartarduino.com/wifimcu-wireless-wifi-development-board-using-lua-from_p94744.html
It's funny how this new board became available almost exactly 1 month after I posted this topic about it's cousin board needing more development! |
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The WiFiMcu:
WiFiMCU is developed based on EMW3165. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/857552561/wifi-mcu-stm32f4-wifibroadcom-lua |
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